Embody your wild, wise ESSENCE

Somatic Movement and Expressive Arts Therapy for well-being and social change 


My name is Patrycja Mira. I am an interdisciplinary artist, expressive arts therapist and somatic movement educator. I'm dedicated to guiding people through phases of change and growth into a deeper embodiment of their most authentic, sensual and radiant self.

Work with me to cultivate and sustain clarity and alignment on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Reconnect with your true creative essence and tap into your gold.

The Art of Equilibrium


    Return to the inner still point, beyond acceptance and rejection. Listen deeply & recalibrate.


    Reawaken your senses & find your authentic expression through words, colors, forms, movements or sounds.


    Remember the innate wisdom of your body. Embody all of you & step into your power with integrity.

 My mentorship offers practical guidance via online (video calls) or in person sessions, creative assignments and subtle somatic practices. Our work together invites consistency and curiosity. No previous knowledge necessary.

Activating your self-healing ability, lies at the core of my approach. Our collaboration is as unique as you are and the specific way of working depends on your needs, resources and wishes.

You are a creative force. Step into your power.

I honour your WISDOM and your WHOLENESS & invite you to co-create.

To blaze together a trail of remembrance and reconnection with your innate gold, in TRUTH and LOVE.


Redefine the relationship with yourself, with others and your environment (workplace, business, education, family, home).

Experience more depth and joy, as well as authentic and fulfilling connections.

Single Session

1 x 90 minute 1:1 live or online session (video call)

Mentorship Program

3 | 6 | 9


bi-weekly 1:1 sessions live or online

mail support

home play


  • Introductory Somatic Experiencing (SE) Training | Center for Inner Ecology Zurich | 2022

  • Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) Facilitator Training Course, Levels 1 & 2 | Unity Space Greece | 2022

  • MA in Expressive Arts Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding | The European Graduate School EGS Switzerland | 07/2022 - Present

  • Eye Movement Integration Therapy (EMI 1) | Integrative Body Psychotherapy Institute IBP Winterthur | 2022

  • SOMA Embodiment Training, Trauma and Bodywork | Center for Inner Ecology Zurich | 03/2022 - 04/2023

  • Soma Yoga and Movement Teacher Training (200h) | KiekariTerra Mexico | 2022

  • Life/Art Process® Somatic Movement Education & Therapy, Levels 1 & 2 | Tamalpa Institute Germany & United States | 06/2021 - 10/2023

  • Basic Medical Training, ASCA Level 1 | Swiss Health School | 2020 - 2021

  • Expressive Arts Therapy | InArtes Institute Zurich | 2017 - 2021

  • Design Course | F+F School of Art and Design Zurich | 2015 - 2016

  • Studies of Architecture, Eastern European & Cultural Studies, Art History and Post-Industrial Design | Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), University of Zurich & Academy of Art and Design Basel | 2011 - 2018


Patrycja Mira Makarewicz



Kirchrain 14

3232 Ins

Atelier Spielraum

Wankdorffeldstrasse 90

3014 Bern